An Incredible Inheritance

An Incredible Inheritance

Imagine receiving an overnight letter from an attorney. This letter explains that a long lost relative had died leaving you an enormous fortune. All you need to do is claim it. Most people probably wouldn’t ignore a letter like that. But imagine those same people who...
Someone Everyone Needs to Know

Someone Everyone Needs to Know

2 Samuel gives us the record of King David’s reign over Israel. It had been a long and painful journey for David and for Israel and Judah. The former King, Saul had been killed, as had his son Jonathan who was David’s dearest and life-long friend. David is now on the...
The Most Horrifying Words Ever Spoken

The Most Horrifying Words Ever Spoken

The Christian life is more than saying a prayer and being baptized. It’s more than attending church, singing in the choir, or teaching a Sunday School class. It is even more than reading a daily devotion and praying daily. Perhaps the most horrifying words ever spoken...